

The Helix Experience
The Helix Experience
Q&A - Training For The Sake Of It, Stretch Therapy, Peptides For Injuries

Are you ready to dive into the world of fitness and wellness? Let’s explore the secrets of effective training, the power of stretch therapy, and the wonders of peptides for injury recovery. Unlock a wealth of knowledge and discover how to optimise your health and performance. On this episode of The New Helix Experience podcast, Tim Frey shares about Q&A – Training For The Sake Of It, Stretch Therapy, Peptides For Injuries.

You’ll Learn:

  • What are the key principles and strategies for effective training sessions?
  • How can stretch therapy improve flexibility, mobility, and overall well-being?
  • What are the benefits and applications of peptides for injury recovery?



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[00:00:00] Thanks for checking out the Helix Experience Podcast. Today we have a q and A style podcast. So we have q and a, we have mostly uneducated opinions, and then we have Tim teaching episodes. Today we’re on the q and a, so I’ve got three questions for you. So I’ve got, the first one is unnamed. I haven’t put this guy’s name on here cause we’ve spoke about him a few times and he tends to get a little bit butt hurt.

[00:00:28] But the question [00:00:30] was, Tim, I wanna build a lot of muscle and lose fat. Rather than just training for the sake of it, the old training for the sake of it, the sacrilegious saying that every fucking coach hates so Mr. Unnamed valor go. And I’m not trying to poo that at all. There’s more to than, there’s more to training than just building muscle and losing fat.

[00:00:54] I guess that might not help with my marketing course, but in all honesty, [00:01:00] when trainers or coaches market, you know, muscle and fat are the easiest things to market because that’s what most people want. But it’s so much more than that. You know, we’re talking about this really big thing called health.

[00:01:13] Health is this underlying thing that basically keeps your body going and you feeling good, and it’s pretty fucking important. Especially as you age, health is that one thing that you wish you spent more time on and you wish you built up when you were younger. Cuz it’s easier to hold your health when you’re older, when you do give it a [00:01:30] good crack when you’re younger.

[00:01:31] A lot of people just, you know, think fitness is about getting jacked, building muscle, building strength, and losing body fat when there’s so much more to it. We’re talking bone mineral density visceral fat around the organs you know, cardiac health in terms of heart health and longevity around those.

[00:01:49] Those are three massive things, which are absolutely key in overall health. So yeah, if you wanna look at it like, Hey, I’m training for the sake of it, or, Hey, I’m actually doing a lot more [00:02:00] than just building muscle, losing fat. It’s just ways to think of it. But I will answer your. Actual question here, rather than just having a little rant.

[00:02:08] So the problem with the older demographic wise, older you get at the moment is they are pretty weak because they haven’t built a requisite level of strength. If you look at anyone in like the older parents category at the moment, moving into grandparents is 50, 60, 70, [00:02:30] 80. There was really no such thing as gyms.

[00:02:33] And there was really no emphasis on strength training. Therefore, like they’re struggling and they get a little bit older now, and I think our generation or my generation, I’m in my early thirties at the moment, a lot of, a lot more of us do a lot more physical activity. Therefore, the same issues that they have in the aging demographics are gonna be a little bit less for us.

[00:02:52] So I will get into the actual. Crux of this now, but the key to building muscle, three things. Protein [00:03:00] recovery and the, and the correct stimulus in terms of protein. 1.8 to 2.2 grams of protein per kg body weight. If you weigh a hundred kilos, two 20, real simple, rest, two build muscle. You need to be sleeping seven to nine hours.

[00:03:13] That means setting the timer. If you go to bed at 10 and actually asleep at 10, that means you need to be. At earliest getting up at five. Okay. And if that’s not working for you, you probably don’t have the adequate rest to build the muscle that you want. [00:03:30] The last thing is stimulus. So each muscle group in your body that you would like to build needs a minimum of eight to 12 sets per week.

[00:03:38] Eight to 12 sets. Each set contains, you know, roughly four to 12 reps, depending on what kind of know methodology of strength training you subscribe to. And that’s in terms of stimulus. Then we need to be doing sets of a minimum of 20 to 60 seconds. So you need to be having time under detention for that 20 to 60 seconds throughout the set [00:04:00] for it to count in that eight to 12, eight to 12 sets per muscle group.

[00:04:03] So if we’re doing bench press, we’re hitting chest, we’re hitting triceps, we’re hitting a little bit of anterior del on the front shoulder. So that’s gonna be ticking off those three muscle groups. And then let’s say we do three exercises on the front or push exercises, we’re gonna be ticking that off.

[00:04:19] That’s why the push pull legs training split is really good cuz you just hit bulk or we hit a bunch of muscles and that just ticks them off for you. Next we’ll talk about the keys of, of losing [00:04:30] fat. And I know everyone says this, but if you’re not losing fat, you’re not in a calorie deficit and it’s that simple.

[00:04:36] If you’re losing fat, there’s gonna be a little bit of muscle loss with that, just because you are in a catabolic state as well. So let’s say every kilo of fat you lose is gonna be somewhere in the vicinity. It’s 20, 40% muscle on that as well. So the whole key is you need to build muscle, lots of it to actually look good when you dye, especially as a male.

[00:04:59] [00:05:00] Because when you die, lose all your muscle, you just end up looking like a twig, which no one wants. So calorie deficit is key. 10 to 20% is a nice sustainable number. Some people don’t. Think they are getting gains fast enough at that rate, which ends up being a problem. And when they think they’re not losing or getting gains or making progress at a fast enough rate, they tend to do crazy things or lose their shit.

[00:05:24] So the question here is, can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? The short [00:05:30] answer is yes, although it’s quite hard to do. I would consider doing one or the other. And how you know is you want to get between eight to 12% body fat. So if you’re within that range, work on building muscle. If you’re outside of that range, on the high end, work on losing fat to that point, it’s because that percentage makes you most anabolic, so your body’s most anabolic at that point.

[00:05:55] It’s just a guide to get there first. So, For someone that wants to build [00:06:00] muscle and lose fat, they’re my guidelines for it. Get outta the attitude of I’m just training for the sake of it, because it’s way more than that. It’s not just training for the sake of it. All right, moving on. Next question. We got John W 6 22.

[00:06:14] Hello, Jack. Lord, I like that I’ve been looking into adding in some recovery modalities. I’ve been considering physio, chiro and stretch therapist. What do you think will be best for me? That is a loaded question, and I know nothing about you, [00:06:30] so it’s very hard to give you a succinct answer that is gonna benefit you, but.

[00:06:35] I’ll give that a shot. So for me, physio is more acute. So acute means something short term. So if I’ve got a, a pta like I had, go to the physio, get a a diagnosis, quote unquote diagnosis, get some treatment for it, gets better done. Don’t need physio again. Chiro is kind of like this, like maintenance [00:07:00] physio thing.

[00:07:00] I’m not sure. Yeah, Cairo’s a little confusing. Obviously, like I’ve heard stories of chiro, people seeing chiros four times a week for like years and, and not getting any better. That, that feels like a, a business move. But I don’t think that Cairo, you know, once a month is a bad thing. I just think there are limited benefits from it.

[00:07:20] So you will like limited Ben benefits from it as a regular thing you do naturally. You have to [00:07:30] keep it up to maintain the benefits of it. You can’t just go and get cracked and get an adjustment and then it a holds it. It’s one of those things where you just end up, you know, it goes back to normal after some time.

[00:07:41] And then lastly, stretching. So stretch therapy is maintenance. I’ve been seeing one recently. I think it’s a good thing, especially with some hard to reach places. So like a, a stretch, you know, you could do every fortnight or every month or every week depending if you wanted to. And you [00:08:00] know, to give this some context, I wanted to go through value for money on it.

[00:08:03] So Cairo’s about 60 bucks for 10 to 15 minutes. Stretch is about a hundred bucks for an hour and 15. Physio is somewhere. It’s about 85 for 30 minutes. So if we work it out for a 15 minute like basis points, so we’ll go 15 minutes. Chiro is 60 bucks, physio is 42 [00:08:30] 50, and stretch therapist is 15 minutes about.

[00:08:37] $15. So stretch therapists is the best value for money depending on where you’re going. So if you’re gonna do an hour of any, you probably couldn’t do an hour of carro, you probably could do an hour of physio, but stretch is definitely gonna be it if it’s like maintenance and value for money. If it’s something [00:09:00] acute, I would look to physio or chiro.

[00:09:02] But if it’s something long term in terms of adding in a recovery modality, that’s not just like sleeping or going for a walk or you know, stretching at home, I think it’s really good for me. So I’ve used all of them. I like chiro. I like physio, I like stretch therapies. I like massage. The problem with massage for me is, I end up getting sore.

[00:09:24] It ends up being like a workout. So if I’ll go for like a massage on a Tuesday, I’ll end up like being [00:09:30] more sore cuz the massage like is also like a muscle damage thing happens for me. So, It. Other than that, I do like a stretch because obviously you feel incredible after a stretch. And being stretched is great cuz it’s very passive.

[00:09:45] Which means you don’t have to do much. So you can just lie there, get stretched. It’s epic and then you feel good after and your performance is incredible. It sounds like I’m very stretched, stretch, dominant here, but that’s probably what I would recommend for a lot of people is looking into a stretch therapist.

[00:09:59] If [00:10:00] that’s something that’s within your budget, so. Monthly, weekly, fortnightly, six weekly, something like that is great. And that’s just after, you know, me testing all of these modalities for the last five years. Moving on to question three, I. From Bryce F Hey bro, what are the best peptides for injuries?

[00:10:20] I’ve gone and hurt myself again. Well, Bryce shouldn’t have gone and helped yourself hurt yourself. I am one for a peptide. I do love them. [00:10:30] I think they work great. I I have used a lot of them. I’ve came back from a severe wrist injury very quickly in six to six weeks, to six to eight weeks.

[00:10:47] Massively on. So yeah, I came back from injury six to eight weeks. I. Took three peptides, TB 500, BPC 1 57 and cjc. [00:11:00] CJC is not like a recovery style peptide, it’s more a getting jacked style peptide. I got them from Bio Vate labs, so B I O V eight labs, and that was in Melbourne. You need a doctor’s prescription quote unquote, which basically means you get on a call with a doctor and they’re like, yep, you’re good.

[00:11:16] And then they. Explain the risks for you, but if I were gonna pick one, it would be TB 500. I felt I had the most benefit from that. And then BPC 1 57 peptides are like a, you know, if you’ve got [00:11:30] supplements on one side and, and anabolic steroids on the other side, they’re somewhere in the middle of those two.

[00:11:35] Not quite a supplement, not quite a steroid. It is more a, yeah, it’s, it’s kind of hard to explain, but they’re naturally, Formed properties within the body. And essentially this is just ramping up your ability to produce, said compounds in the body that aid with healing, which is incredible for healing injuries.

[00:11:57] It’s just gonna speed up your time for recovery [00:12:00] in like, actually depends what your budget is for these types of things. But TB 500, BPC 1 57 and cjc. If you cashed up to the tits, then. All three. If you’re not tvb, 500 is a go. That is my honest opinion on that. If you’ve got a question for me guys, go to my website, www.helixsp.com go to media, and then the podcast tab, drop a question in there and I will look to answer them on the next q q and A show.

[00:12:28] Thanks for listening.[00:12:30]