podcast (2)


The Helix Experience
The Helix Experience
My Daily Routine For Success In Fitness, Business & Relationship

It’s important to create a daily routine that supports your goals if you want to succeed in your fitness, career, and interpersonal connections. On this episode of The New Helix Experience podcast, Tim Frey shares about My Daily Routine For Success In Fitness, Business & Relationship.

You’ll Learn:

  • The Idea of Having a Daily Routine
  • How to Maintain a Successful Life in Different Aspects Such as Fitness, Business & Relationship
  • How You Spend Your Day Determines What You Can Achieve Daily




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What’s up, guys? Today I’m talking about my daily routine for success in business, fitness and relationships.

So I get asked this quite a bit. What does your day look like? And I want to go through it now.

I think there is probably some little Nuggets that you could take away from this and how I successfully juggle the balls of life metaphoric balls, but you know the balls I’m talking about here is like being successful in business or career.

Having a good relationship and being relatively.

In shape and lean also maintaining friendships our thing as well with family, although like that’s not a huge priority for me in terms of spending time with people outside my family just because time is so limited and my direct friends.

Yes, I make time for them, but juggling these things is tough and I feel like a lot of people.

Of 1 or some of these together, but maintaining all of them is the struggle.

Out of, you know, business, fitness, relationship and friendships, I would say friendships is probably my worst area because I give it the least time.

It’s where your energy goes, where your focus flows, energy goes. So of those four areas, if you give one least time, it’s obviously going to do the worst. So I’ll go through my.

Monday to Friday’s daily routine, so get up at 4:30 and this is not like a ******* this guy gets up at 4:00 AM and works out hard and you know he’s a ******* savage. This is just when it works for me, so.

I get up at 4:30. I have a pre workout snack, usually a carb source and caffeine. I need to eat before I train.

I need to have caffeine. Just what works for.

Me. I train with my wife. Such transient sessions same time as me because it’s a good connexion piece for us.

To drive to the gym together, it’s really good. Like we discussed topics, how we’re feeling. How’s your sleep? It’s just good.

Like a connexion point. So you get that to and from the gym. If we’re driving together, which is great, that’s like 15 minutes each way. It’s 30 minutes connexion.

Then I train so training is is definitely the hardest part of the day physically, and I think once you’ve trained and you’ve seized the day, the.

Day is easy.

So if you get that done off the bat, like the day is all you know, essentially downhill from there. Uphill it depends which way you want to look at it. So in this session we’re doing mobility, we’re doing strength, we’re doing accessories and we’re doing conditioning.

Mobility for longevity, strength for health and longevity, accessories to build muscle, lean muscle tissue, burn calories, that kind of stuff and conditioning. Obviously for cardiovascular health as well as like fitness.

All four of those components are very important for your life, so I’d rather do a little bit of each of those each day.

Live healthily and get most of my training done in that 60 minute session. If you think about 60 minutes like it’s 4% of your day over the course of your day, 50 minutes there 50 minutes back.

Like it’s a very small portion of your day for a Big Bang for your buck. Yet a lot of people miss out on this.

So on our drive home chats discussions, we’ll talk about topics. All those types of things like I said before, it’s a really good connexion point.

I feel with my wife. Obviously, once we have kids that’s going to change because one of us is gonna have to look after the kids in each time point. But at this point in my life, it’s a really important aspect of my day.

We’ll get a coffee on the way home and then I have a protein shake when I get home, like pretty soon, usually on the drive back I have a protein shake.

Then I have a coffee. It’s fine for me. A lot of people can’t stomach that much liquid in a short amount of time. Considering I had some caffeinated beverage before this session as well.

So most of my caffeine is coming in that like 2 hour period like post gym, breakfast will be carbs, proteins and fats.

So usually I’ll have like bread, spaghetti, bacon, eggs like that kind of stuff, like pretty standard breakfast. None of those.

Foods are like they don’t not go well for me, so I feel fine on that breakfast and I can maintain a really good physique in terms of like calories and macros and stuff.

Doing about 3 1/2 thousand at the moment, aiming for two grammes of protein per KG and then the carbs and fats are just a bit random at the minute, but that’s my main.

You know, in terms of like the macronutrient, nutritional requirements or what I’m trying to get for breakfast, that’s kind of what I do post breakfast is a.

Walk and play with my dog.

So they get walked, we go around the block, usually 25 minutes ish, play with them through stick like all that type of stuff.

So if you think about just in my breakfast time, I’ve got connexion with my wife, walks the dogs, worked out. You know, I’ve done probably more than most people doing a day in that first two hours.

Which is key. After I’ve done that, I’ll go up to my office and then I’ll brainstorm like the different aspects and business as I run. So we’ll have our annual plan, quarterly plan, monthly focus and then I have my weekly focuses.

So I’ll go through and I’ll look at the weekly plan. I’ll list out the most important things from one to how many I’m doing. I need to make sure I get at least three really big things done each day.

My brain works best in the morning, so at this time I’m recording 816 in the morning. This is my time to do the really important stuff that my brain works best in.

I find I’m really good in the morning, so I’ll set three to four hours of deep work. No phone, no notifications, no bings, no bombs, no.

Interruption is nothing. It’s just flat out work for that three to four hours. No interrupt.

And then that will take me through to around lunchtime. Lunch time is pretty simple. It’s usually protein, carbs, fats.

I’ll probably get like a my muscle chef or a meal delivery service. Sometimes for lunch. Sometimes I’ll get like Mexican or something like that.

It’s just important like break for me a mental break as well. Usually my wife’s free at that time and we.

We chat and talk and connect and catch up as we.

After lunch, I’ll do another three to four hour deep work session, depending on what I’m doing. Sometimes I have meetings in this time as well guest on podcast.

These sorts of things, but like for most days of the week, it’s three to four hours deep. Work in the morning.

And then afternoon sometimes, but usually I’m pretty **** in the afternoon, so it’s more running errands and ticking off like easy ****, like paying bills.

And you know, chatting to staff and, you know, like the really the stuff that doesn’t require a lot of brain power post work is errands, life stuff for friends.

And then usually from 5:00 PM family time. So I’ll play the dogs. You know, Stefan, I will cook together.

We’ll go to dinner. We’ll go see a movie. We’ll catch up with friends like that, that type of stuff from 5:00 PM usually.

If we’re having dinner.

Protein cup fats and then snack snack or have something like 200 Cal ice cream yoghurt. Usually it’s an ice cream and that’s my reward for the day.

In terms of supplementation, I take these about 90 minutes before bed, so I’m taking Thorn by Jess with just digestive support magnesium.

Rhodiola, which is a neural support, basically calms down your nervous system. Melatonin to aid with sleep and then a multivitamin.

In terms of bedtime, we’ll drop the blinds in the house. I wear blue blocking glasses and I put them on about the time that the sun goes down.

Bedtime is about 8:30 to 9:00 PM and then I get up at 4:30. So that’s usually 7 1/2 to 8 hours.

Of sleep between 7:00 and 9:00 is.

Good for me, I’ve I’ve found I’ve been.

Sleeping less as I’ve gotten older.

On the weekends, usually big picture stuff, so like I’m a big foodie, so we’ll go breakfast, lunch, dinner, usually on the weekend, obviously control what I eat, but it’s a good time for me to get out of my routine and, like, talk about big picture stuff like where I’m going with life.

What does it look like? What are things that ******* me off? What are things that are not? What are we doing well in business?

What are we not? What’s going well at the gym? What’s not? How can we improve it? So weekends are big pictures, time and family time.

Usually fun like hikes and going away for weekends and riding my motorbike and like that type of stuff so.

Like the summary of that is 15 to 45 hours a week of deep work quality time with my wife?

Time with family and friends. We have like 1 to 2 hours a night of whatever like Netflix or chill time or talking, chatting, reading train daily have my supplements and sleep. It’s pretty.

I think it’s simple. I think like you know, the deep work stuff for most people would look at that and be like, is that all you’re working?

But it’s there’s a difference between like deep work and working like I could sit on my laptop 12 hours a day and say I’m working, but like actual time where you’re being constructive and moving the needle on projects is way less than 60 hour weeks.

So that’s what works for me. I’m more of a consistent like, let’s have all the balls juggled in life and keep them all going than work 12 hours a day.

Be single, be a fat **** and have a short life. I think there’s a better way to do things and personally this is what works best for me so.

If you’ve got something out of this, let me know. It’s been a pleasure sharing with you.