Olympic Lifting

What is Olympic Lifting?:

Olympic lifting, also known as Olympic-style weightlifting or simply weightlifting, is a sport in which athletes perform two specific lifts: the snatch and the clean and jerk. These lifts test an athlete's strength, speed, power, coordination, and flexibility. 

What is a snatch and clean & Jerk?:

Snatch: A single motion where the barbell moves from ground to overhead. It demands speed, precision, and mobility.
Clean and Jerk : A two-step lift. The barbell is first pulled to the shoulders (clean), then driven overhead (jerk). It combines power and explosiveness. 

Why do we recommend olympic weight lifting?:

Olympic lifting builds total-body strength, explosive power, and athletic performance, enhancing speed, agility, and coordination. It improves mobility, flexibility, core stability, balance, and posture while fostering mental focus and discipline. It also helps prevent injuries by strengthening stabiliser muscles and improving body mechanics.