Time Poor? Listen Up

Time Poor? Listen Up

Feel like there’s never enough time? Are you always rushing to finish what you need to do? So are others. Today, many people feel “time poor,” or like they don’t have enough time to do everything. On this episode of The New Helix Experience podcast, Tim Frey shares about Time Poor? Listen Up.

You’ll Learn:

  • Tim’s time poor story.
  • Why are people time poor?
  • Advice for time poor people.
  • What are the most effective forms of exercise for time poor people?
  • Key principles for time poor people.


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This is an episode for you if you are time poor. So I have been quote-unquote time-poor before because I had a lot of priorities in business.

Seeing my friends family, basically everything else besides my own health, which it comes down to, if your priority is everything besides your own health, you’re going to have.

Poor health, which led to me being fat, and I say fat. I’ve never been fat, but.

About her sick, unhappy, depressed, and there was a point that I got to when I was like, enough enough.

How am I going to get myself to train so I’m not quote-unquote time poor anymore and that was I need a train every day at 5:30 AM rain, hail or shine. If I’m sick, I don’t feel like it.

If I can’t be ******.

Ever since then, everything’s been on the up, so not fat anymore. Don’t get sick. Not unhappy, not depressed. And then Saturdays I train it so.

Ma’am. So I wanted to look into some reasons why people are time poor. Generally it comes down to work, family commitments, commuting, social obligations, and other personal responsibilities.

So some people have super long hours at work, but the longest hours are here of are 12 hours in a shift.

And if you do work 12 hours, I do understand the you probably don’t want to work out after a 12 hour shift, but you could work out before a 12 hour shift, which is what most of the savage 5 food you know guys and girls do as they train before they work, which means you’re getting the hardest part of the day done at the start.

The second one is family commitments, so people with kids or elderly elderly relatives, you know, they do have to care for them, which, you know, I get can be a challenge, but we need to find a way around that stuff is like, can you find somewhere to exercise where you can bring your kids or, you know, someone that can watch your relative before that time because you’re not making time for your health?

And you are time. Poor, you know, your health is going to go down. Therefore you’re going to become a liability.

On other people.

And then we’ve got commuting social obligations, you know, responsible.

The end result of all this stuff is, you know, you leave little time for yourself. You fill up everyone’s cup besides your own, and when you fill up everyone’s cup, besides your own, everything goes bad for you and you end up unhappy, sad, depressed, tired, sick.

All those types of things, so you can’t pour from an empty cup and then you can’t have a full cup without prioritising your physical fitness.

So it’s just like a, you know, juxtaposition. Not sure if that’s the right word there, but it’s definitely gonna be a bad thing.

So the big idea for people that are time poor is they need to schedule the time, so they need to treat. Training is the most important time of the day.

So if you were to wake up.

Get it done first thing it would.

Never be an excuse for you.

And I know some people say they can’t train at 5:30 in the morning for whatever reason, or they need to train earlier or they can’t get up or yadda yadda yadda.

But insert it is a reason. That is why most of the people that train early in the morning get the best results in my gym is because it is a priority for them and they get it done every single day.

There’s nothing that can go wrong at 5:30 in the morning. No one’s awake. There is no traffic. There is no car crashes.

There is no kids were being idiots. There is no. My wife was being a *****. Like there is none of that **** that can’t happen in the morning cuz.

Most of the time, you probably shouldn’t even cheque your phone. You should just get to the gym, get it done. The comparison is when you.

Train after work or.

After a ship or whatever you’ve you’ve done a full day of work. Therefore your ability to.

You know, pull the can’t be faked. Card is very high.

The 2nd way, the second big idea here is it’s not really a big idea, but make it convenient.

And make it easily accessible to you. You know, if you’re running early, running late, you know, does the place you’re training at have the ability for you to come in early?

Do they have early sessions? They have late sessions, they have lunch time sessions like is it going to be convenient for you?

If that’s not convenient for you, you need to find the ability to do it when it is convenient for you. So.

Does that mean you’re training at home? Does that mean you’re training at a park? Does that mean you’re training at the gym that’s closer to you? It all depends on what is going to be most convenient for you.

The third thing here.

Is if you want to train more, you need to make it enjoyable for you. I love strengthen editioning 45 minutes and then doing a conditioning piece for 15.

That’s the most enjoyable way of training for me, and that’s why I do it six days a week.

You need to find what you love to do and that makes it easier for you if you love going for a run every single day.

******* weirdos do that. But you know, some people do. If you enjoy. I’m trying to think of other exercise that actually gets results, not like yoga and Pilates and stuff like that. **** that actually works and gets your results, but it needs to be something that’s enjoyable for you.

The 4th idea here is you need to incorporate training into other activities. If you’re someone that sits down at a desk all day, maybe you need to get a standing desk in one of those treadmills underneath.

If you’re someone that works in an office, maybe you need to go for a walk on your lunch break or your commute to work should.

Be involving physical activity.

And the last thing here is, you know, be creative, find creative ways to involve exercise in your daily routine. Otherwise it’s just going to be one of those things that never happens.

So my advice for time poor people is prioritise. Exercise is the first thing you do in the day, OK. And if you really if it’s really not a doable thing for you.

Then make it a non-negotiable at least three.

Times a week.

The 2nd way here is plan ahead. So on a Sunday what I do for the week ahead is I plan what’s coming up in my week throughout my businesses.

What do I have coming up? What are the deadlines? What do I need to hit? How many times do I want to train?

When am I going to get ice bath and sauna? When am I going to do on my recovery? What am I eating?

Throughout my meals, like you need to plan ahead and schedule ahead if training or exercise is the last thing you plan at the end of each day, it’s not going to happen and you’re going to have an average physique and average health for the rest of your life. Third thing is to make it convenient. We did discuss this before. The 4th thing is be.

Efficient, so efficiency for me is training for 60 minutes, getting it done and it’s done for the day, like inefficiency for me is someone that trains 4 hours a day in the gym.

It gets the same results as someone that trains one hour a day in the gym. That’s just inefficient for me.

The fifth thing here is to incorporate exercise into your daily activities. The sixth thing is make it enjoyable, and the seventh thing is be creative.

The most effective forms of training for time poor people. You know, if you’re really time pouring, you only at 20 minutes a day I would pick, you know, some kind of like hit workout where you do every minute you do, you know, three exercises, 10 reps each on the minute you start again do that for 10:20 rounds. Really simple way to do it.

Next one is like body weight exercises, so you could set yourself a goal. I’m gonna do 100 squares, 100 push-ups, 100 did.

You know, in the next 10 minutes or 20 minutes and you do that three times a week. Really simple way of doing it.

The 4th, 3rd way here is like circuit.

Training. So with circuit training, what you could do is set up five stations, you know, let’s say you’re doing squats.

You know deadlifts, bench press, you know, running and then per piece. And you did 20 reps of each.

In a circuit 5 rounds, you’d get that done in 15 minutes tops.

The 4th way is running, so you could set yourself, you know on Monday what I’m doing three 400 metre runs Tuesday.

I’m doing 2 case Wednesday. I’m doing 10200 metre runs Thursday. You know. You see what I mean here? It’s very simple and easy to do.

And make it efficient.

The last one is yoga.

It can be a good way of improving flexibility and balance in a short amount of time. Most yoga routines are 30 minutes or less, so you know for people that are time poor.

I’ve just given you five ways you could train not at a gym that are very simple and easy to do. All you need to do is Google hit workout body weight workout circuit.

Workout running, workout, yoga, workout and then you’ve got it done. Like in conclusion, there’s heaps of like you know effective ways you can train and get it done in a really short amount of.

And lastly, as I’m saying, it’s just got to be a priority for you. If it’s not a priority for you, it’s always going to be a struggle for you.

It should be. I’d say for most people, the number one thing you do every single week should be training and you should be putting it in your schedule as a priority of things to do. And if it’s not.

It’s not gonna get done. And you’re gonna literally like it. Sounds harsh, but you gonna have a short life.

You’re gonna look like ****, and everything’s gonna be a struggle for you. You’re gonna get diseases, illness, sick, die early, feel like ****. All that type of stuff. Thanks for listening.

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