Armageddon – Program/eBook

“Armageddon: Add Inches to Your Arms in Just 8 Weeks!” – The Ultimate Arm Transformation Program


Revolutionise Your Arm Training: Introducing Armageddon, a groundbreaking 8-week program designed to add significant size and strength to your arms. Tailored to challenge and enhance your biceps and triceps, this program is the key to achieving the muscular arms you’ve always desired.


Program Overview:


8-Week Intensive Training: Divided into four 2-week cycles, Armageddon methodically escalates your training intensity, ensuring continuous muscle growth and strength improvement.

Progressive Overload Design: Each phase introduces a new rep scheme, steadily increasing the challenge:

Phase 1: Kickstart your journey with sets of 15, 12, and 10 repetitions.

Phase 2: Intensify your workout with 12, 10, 8, and 8 repetitions.

Phase 3: Push further with 8, 8, 6, and 6 repetitions.

Phase 4: Maximise strength with 7, 7, 5, 5, 3, and 3 repetitions.


Unique Features:


Tracking and Testing: Begin by measuring your arms and taking two baseline photos. Witness and document your transformation with a final measurement and progress photos after 8 weeks.

Flexible Schedule: Designed with busy lifestyles in mind, Armageddon requires just two sessions per week, lasting 30-45 minutes, depending on your rest intervals.




Muscle Growth and Strength: Experience a noticeable increase in arm size and strength, with muscles more defined and pronounced.

Structured for Success: Clear, easy-to-follow phases ensure a focused and efficient workout experience without any confusion.

Adaptable Intensity: Whether you’re new to arm training or an experienced lifter, this program adapts to your level, allowing you to progress at your own pace.


Why Choose Armageddon?


Expertly Designed: This program is created by fitness professionals, combining tried-and-true techniques with modern training methodologies.

Balanced Approach: Armageddon targets both the biceps and triceps, ensuring balanced arm development.

Convenience and Accessibility: Ideal for those who prefer working out at home or have limited time to visit the gym.




Embark on a Transformative Journey: Armageddon isn’t just about adding inches to your arms; it’s about unlocking your full potential. This program promises a challenging yet rewarding journey towards achieving muscular, well-defined arms.

Witness the Change: Ready to see tangible results? Join the ranks of those who have transformed their arms with the Armageddon program. Your path to impressive arms begins now.


Take Action Today: Begin your arm transformation journey with “Armageddon: Add Inches to Your Arms in Just 8 Weeks!” and brace yourself for the results that await. Embrace the challenge, commit to the process, and watch as your arms transform into a symbol of strength and power.
