Goal vs Process Oriented People In The Gym

Goal vs Process Oriented People In The Gym

When it comes to your fitness goals, are you the kind of person who only cares about the end result? Or do you care more about the way things happen and the journey? It’s important to know the difference between being goal-oriented and process-oriented in the gym, even though both can lead to success. On this episode of The New Helix Experience podcast, Tim Frey shares about Goal vs Process Oriented People In The Gym.

You’ll Learn:

  • What are goal-oriented people?
  • What are process-oriented people?
  • The pros and cons of being goal-oriented.
  • The pros and cons of being process-oriented.
  • What is the perfect balance?


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So this episode came about. I was actually down in Albany and I said some hell wise **** on the drive back.

And my wife Steph was like, what the **** did you just say? That was so well said and put. Essentially, I was talking about the difference.

Between goal and process-oriented people.

In the gym and she said you should make a podcast on it, so I am here.

We are so we.

Have every type of motivation in my gym.

People that train because they’re single people that train because they’re overweight, people will train because they want to be the best version of themselves. Any reason to train? Essentially we have them.

It got me thinking about like categorising these people and you know we could categorise them into two things. They’re goal-oriented people and then there are process-oriented people. Goal-oriented people generally trained for something like an outcome and process-oriented people train because.

They are. It’s a part of their daily process. So I want you to think about, you know, the two types of people are going to the in depth of why and how and what.

But you know, goal-oriented versus process-oriented people who do you think gets superior results and why?

So what are goal-oriented people? I would categorise them as people that would do six week challenges and then maybe quit train for their wedding or to get wedge shred trained because their workplace is doing a change.

Change train for some kind of competition that they’re going for. They’re doing a 10K run or they’re doing a jujitsu comp or they’re doing a CrossFit comp or something like that.

The main crux of what these people do is around smart goal setting, whether they believe it or not. Maybe it’s not intentional or not, but it is specific. It is measurable as attainable. It is realistic and as time bound it.

It takes all.

The criteria these are goal-oriented people, so process-oriented people.

That train because they love the feeling of being consistent. They love training as it’s a part of their day.

They’re motivated 365 days a year mostly and process orientated people tend to focus on the journey, not just the destination.

Without that sounding super cliche.

They are motivated.

By a sense of accomplishment that comes from consistent effort. So go about the pros and the cons of.

And goal orientated now. So the pros are they are highly motivated for a short period.

The time.

They’re incredibly intense with their training and short bursts. The cons of this, as they are lacking long term consistency and essentially a lot of the time the world ends after the challenge.

The amount of people I’ve seen that are like goal orientated, then they finish A6 week charge or they do a CrossFit comp or they do a weight lifting competition and they have a really hard time.

Transitioning back to being process orientated, a lot of them lose their **** and just never really achieve, you know, the best version of themselves because they’re so fixated on a thing they get to their process orientated and then they set them. So I want to do a comp because I want EXO.

Motivation and then actually puts them two steps back, which is the frustrating thing as a coach, the pros and cons are being process-oriented.

The main pros are they are very consistent. They hit training five days a week, 365. It’s hard to waver. Their commitment as it’s a part of their day. The cons are like they struggle to reach.

Great intensity. So I find goal-oriented people hit it with a greater intensity, which is not a bad thing, but it can be when we’re trying to achieve a specific outcome which requires great intensity.

So is there a perfect balance? Most people start out with a goal and then transition to becoming a process-oriented person, or a way of life with their training.

Lots of people keep setting goals and then lose motivation and stop completely. So you know if you’re always training for a run or across the comp or a weightlifting.

Competition or like you know, like to beat the other guys in the gym, you’re gonna lose motivation once you achieve your destination.

But if you’re someone that trains for the process.

It’s going to become a part of your life and I feel it’s a much healthier way to be. It’s become more process-oriented.

The reason I made this podcast is cause I want you to ask yourself are.

You a goal?

Orientated person or are you process-oriented person in the gym in in specificity to your training?

Is it a healthy way for you to train and achieve your results and become the best version of yourself long term?

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